Fred Figglehorn: New YouTube Star

"Hey, it's Fred!"

... portrayal of a lonely 6-year-old with anger management issues and an alcoholic mom

Yet another star borne from YouTube, Fred has become widely popular, especially for 13- to 17-year-old girls. But yet, a higher percentage of 35- to 44-year-olds in his audience than 18- to 24-year-olds. Fred currently tops all viewer subscriptions with over 67K regular listeners.

FROM BusinessWeek:
If you have kids, you probably know Fred, most likely because you banned your child from watching him. Not that Fred is offensive. Quite the contrary: He’s a bundle of G-rated joy for the tween set. But Fred is annoying. He prances about doing inane things while screaming, and the film is sped up to give the character a hyperactive squeal. Adults don’t get it, kids can’t get enough of it.
15 year old Lucas Cruikshank is the creator of Fred, a web-based series on YouTube. Lucas introduced Fred Figglehorn via videos he presented on YouTube with his cousins, Jon and Katie. On October 16, 2008, FRED became YouTube's most subscribed channel overall with 585,506 subscribers. With his least viewed video of 463,970 plays (added yesterday), the Fred channel has received over 22 million views and over 125,000,000 video views since it began on May 1st, 2008.

View his insanity - become my Myspace friend - listen to his intolerable high-pitched voice:
Who is Lucas Cruikshank?
We Heart Fred Figglehorn (official-fred-fansite)
The Fred Figglehorn Quiz!!

FYI: List of YouTube celebrities from Wikipedia
